Strategic Oracle Advisory Services
Our team of Oracle advisory experts can help you level the playing field with Oracle and make decisions that promote your corporate strategy and vision.
You know how difficult Oracle can be to work with and how tough they can be to manage. Oracle software and services are often embedded throughout your organization. From database and middleware to applications, and from cloud to Java, if you’re using Oracle, then you have to be on top of it, or Oracle will make you pay.
Supporting your corporate strategy
Working with Oracle means managing relationships, problems, and contracts at multiple levels. Oracle is adept at extracting information from you and leveraging that information to put Oracle in the best position to increase your fees, lock you into Oracle, and push you to the Oracle Cloud.
Companies of all sizes must level the playing field with Oracle. The best way to achieve this is by engaging the Palisade Compliance team of Oracle experts to help you manage your Oracle relationship and make decisions that promote your corporate strategy and vision. Our strategic Oracle advisory services are designed to support your executive, legal, and IT organizations as they manage their Oracle landscape.
Our clients

From large multinational Fortune 100 firms to small, privately held regional companies, organizations all over the globe have taken advantage of our experience and expertise. Because Palisade Compliance is completely independent of Oracle, we can give you clear unbiased guidance, whether you’re looking to break free from Oracle or acquire more Oracle technology and services.
Want to level the playing field with Oracle?

How to Beat Oracle at Its Own Game
This eBook serves as a comprehensive guide for untangling the complexities of Oracle’s ecosystem and exploring the potential of third-party support solutions.

How We Helped Mars Inc. Defend Itself Against Oracle
The story of Mars shows how effectively our team can assist client companies, governments, and counsel in their disputes with Oracle, so our clients can focus on their business, support their customers, and not be consumed by Oracle challenges.

Negotiating with Oracle – 4 Tactics to Help You Take Back Control
While negotiating with Oracle can be daunting, the good news is there’s a right way to conduct these negotiations. Here are 4 high-level tips to help you.

Know Your Oracle Sales Chain of Command
As a prospect or customer, you have every right to understand the chain of command at Oracle. If they are reluctant to tell you, that should be a red flag.
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