New Oracle Contract for Financial Services Company

Case study

Oracle solutions play an important role at a leading multinational financial services company. The company relies on their database to store 62 petabytes of online data.

While the company had no intention of eliminating Oracle from its infrastructure, the leader of the global data architecture team knew something had to be done when Oracle maintenance costs began eating into the company’s gross revenue.

The team faced a three-pronged challenge: maintaining the organization’s 50% net operating margin while returning value to shareholders and expanding to meet the needs of the expanding e-commerce platform.

Less than three months from when the existing Unlimited Licensing Agreement was due to run out, the team recognized an opportunity to reduce the company’s TCO with Oracle.

They were confident the company was compliant with all of its software license terms, but didn’t know what the final price point was.

The team wanted to be in a strong position during negotiations with Oracle and wanted to implement a containment strategy to avoid increasing maintenance costs in the future.

We develop a solution

The financial services company worked with us to get an edge in its Oracle negotiations and develop alternative solutions to the expensive ULA renewal that Oracle was pushing.

First, we conducted an independent license audit to confirm what software the company was running and how to optimize it under the current agreement. This license position enabled the company to negotiate with Oracle from a position of strength.

We then reviewed all the company’s contracts and provided a detailed analysis including a timeline and recommendations on what the company should ask for during its negotiations with Oracle. This was critical for gaining leverage with Oracle and moving the needle in negotiations.

How did it all work out?

Our audit, advisory, and negotiation services enabled our client to successfully negotiate a new Oracle contract that aligned with their financial goals and technology roadmap. In addition to the new contract, we provided the company with insight into their licensing and usage that was previously unavailable. This knowledge will enable the company to maintain their leverage with Oracle as the two companies continue to work with each other.

The end result of this engagement was that the financial services company saved millions of dollars, had a world-class license agreement, and gained insight into their Oracle licensing and usage that will continue to pay dividends for years to come.

Read more tips on how to negotiate with Oracle.

Is your company in a similar situation with Oracle? Reach out to our expert team for help.