Oracle License Audit Support

We’ll help you avoid the pitfalls involved with Oracle’s aggressive license audit process and come out on top.

An Oracle license audit is not designed to be fair, open, and independent. While a real audit is designed to find the ultimate truth, Oracle’s license audits are designed to give Oracle maximum leverage over you, push you to Oracle’s cloud, and increase your Oracle fees. Expert help is at hand! Palisade Compliance can help you organize a successful defense when you receive an audit letter from Oracle.

Oracle license audit process - Q&A

The simple answer is – to make money! Oracle wants to meet their bottom line. If they think your software is not licensed properly, they will audit you. This can result in large fines and needing to pay millions to Oracle.

It can be triggered by just giving Oracle information. We like to say, “Anything you say can and will be used against you by Oracle.” Oracle license audits are not random. They will audit you if they have the slightest inclination that you’re out of compliance or unsure of your license position. Mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, etc can all trigger an audit. One of our clients was doing marketing around their new subsidiaries. They received a software license audit letter from Oracle.

Mainly accruing large financial penalties from Oracle for being out of compliance. Staying compliant with your licenses is an important part of being able to defend yourself in an Oracle software licence audit, or even better, not needing to be audited in the first place!

If you’re being audited by Oracle License Management Services (LMS), then you’re probably:

  • unsure of the process
  • worried about the outcome
  • at risk of losing millions of dollars

There are good reasons for feeling this way. Ultimately, Oracle doesn’t have to prove you are out of compliance to get your money. They only have to make you doubt your position.

It’s possible. We had a client that attempted to do this, but they found it was far too daunting, especially as they didn’t have the knowledge or resources to go up against Oracle. It’s better to work with someone who knows what they’re doing. Since Palisade Compliance employees helped to build the audit teams at Oracle, we’re the best option when it comes to navigating Oracle audits and negotiating with Oracle.

It's better not to go it alone

Oracle has been auditing for more than 35 years. They have conducted upwards of 100,000 audits, have spent hundreds of millions of dollars perfecting their audit approach, and have generated billions of dollars by auditing their customers. How confident are you to stand up to them?

Whether you’ve just received the Oracle audit letter and haven’t yet responded, or you’re going through an audit and feeling that it’s getting out of control, or you’re at the “end” of the process, with the Oracle LMS “final report” in hand, Palisade Compliance can help you.

It’s never too late to seek assistance with your Oracle audit.

Help – Oracle is auditing me!

We are your best defense against Oracle’s aggressive auditing tactics.


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